Module-level declarations


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struct npc_quests
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entity quest
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struct quest_info
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function consume_assets(assets_to_charge: list<(name: text, interface: text, amount: integer)>, account: account)
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function create_quest(account_id: byte_array, id_prefix: text, quest_info: quest_info): quest
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function create_quest_with_specific_id(account_id: byte_array, id: text, quest_info: quest_info): quest
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function delete_ugc_quest(quest: quest)
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@extendable function on_quest_accept(plot_id: integer, account_id: byte_array, quest: quest, optional_parameters: map<text, byte_array>)
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@extendable function on_quest_finish(plot_id: integer, account_id: byte_array, quest: quest, optional_parameters: map<text, byte_array>)
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@extendable function on_quest_skip(plot_id: integer, account_id: byte_array, quest: quest, optional_parameters: map<text, byte_array>)
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function reward_assets(assets_to_reward: list<(name: text, interface: text, amount: integer)>, account: account)
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function verify_owns_quest(id: text, account_id: byte_array)


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@mount("ugc_quests.get_all_quests") query get_all_quests(cursor: page_cursor): (data: list<quest_info_with_id>, max_rowid_covered: rowid)
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@mount("ugc_quests.get_all_quests_from_user") query get_all_quests_from_user(account_id: byte_array, cursor: page_cursor): (data: list<quest_info_with_id>, max_rowid_covered: rowid)
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@mount("ugc_quests.get_npc_quests") query get_npc_quests(npc_name: text): npc_quests
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@mount("ugc_quests.get_player_quest_journal") query get_player_quest_journal(account_id: byte_array): player_quests
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@mount("ugc_quests.get_ugc_quest_configs") query get_ugc_quest_configs(): (enabled: boolean,)


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@mount("ugc_quests.accept_quest") operation accept_quest(id: text, account_id: byte_array, auth_descriptor_id: byte_array)
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@mount("ugc_quests.delete_quest") operation delete_quest(id: text, account_id: byte_array, auth_descriptor_id: byte_array)
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@mount("ugc_quests.import_quest") operation import_quest(quest_info_with_id: quest_info_with_id)
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@mount("ugc_quests.progress_quest") operation progress_quest(id: text, account_id: byte_array, auth_descriptor_id: byte_array)
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@mount("ugc_quests.register_quest") operation register_quest(quest_info: quest_info, account_id: byte_array, auth_descriptor_id: byte_array)
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@mount("ugc_quests.set_global_ugc_quest_parameters") operation set_global_ugc_quest_parameters(enabled: boolean)